Sunday, August 29, 2010


 I'm back to this 'space'!, i'm sorry due to my absence in a while, I've to deal with my annoying broadband, and so i get bored with it, busying myself with some other things.
Here we are! after few months of missing in action, i'm back! There are so many things to share and to talk about. Now, i'm in a new semester, moving another step forward, passing through times, bringing the changes all around me.
For this new semester, the seniors were right, this particular semester was horrible, assignmentshits are everywhere: they are all out of control!
Tracing back my period of when i'm 'missing in action', many things happened, pushing and taking us to move forward; moving to positive or negative, all up to individual.
well enough crap, here are my math of that 'period' til now:

campus + the crazyheads x boredom = dumb acts.
laziness + assignments + playtimes = last minute work = thumbs up!
absurd expenses + craving needs = money burned.
question + experience + question + experience =  another question (???)

mind to fingertips,
-Afq Apnk-