My fond of music is one of the few things that inspires me, and when it comes to music, i love it to be loud. Going to parties/concerts/ live performances are few of the sources to reach my needs of 'sweet' listening. Furthermore, being there at the event, will lessen the burdens in my head a bit while I can enjoying my self with all my friends. Another reason for me to attend this kind of event is my love to fashion as well; i can experiment with my outfit.
Last Sunday, dated 30th may 2010, I attended Youth Festival event 2010 at PWTC, Kuala Lumpur, this event were held for three days straight, starting from 28-30 May; I went there for one day only: Sunday.I never heard of this event before though, or I just missed it.
Thousands of youths can be seen there as i arrived by public transport sadly.ha ha. However, my reasons to come here is because of music, fashion, friends, filled my long bored period of time,Lap Sap, well, the goal is clear; to have some fun!
I managed to met couple of peoples involves in the scene.Clothing lines fashion label Lah lah Land til Charcoal are all were there and their stuffs are much attracted me, if not because of my money I would've bought any of the sweater,bag or shoes. Other than that, talking about the concert, the finale, vibes from the crowds are very energetic. The crowds came from many different backgrounds and ages, sometimes it's kind of funny when we are actually can assume why they were there. From rempit, school kids to party goers to hipsters, there were all there. For me, it was kind of, a bit irritating, sharing the same space with them and dealing with their acts. After, following the scene for quite a period of times, it was way a different gap.
Put aside all the fuss, lap sap took over the stage around 9.30 pm, enough said, they know how to make crowds go crazy; they injected energy to crowds with their electro pumping beats. Way to go guys! However, they spin for just about an hour, then, it's done. Well that's what you got for a free event like this I suppose.
Above all, this is one good event, to converge so many different peoples of different backgrounds and ages. I'm looking forward for the next Youth Festival to come though.
Mind to fingertips,
-Afq Apnk-

we are lap sap- me and mr.lap sap (Blink)