Welcome to the Mute Bubble Space, afq apnk blog; my blog. For a moment, i never expect that i will be a blogger one day. As i can recalled, there's this one time before where i found everyone around me are blogging; at that moment i, i assumed that the time is not right for me to blogging yet and it is quite a heavy stuff for me to play with. Well, times rapid movement changes everything around them, and so do i.:)
- i just found the right time to start i guess....
Blog in my eyes is the place where i can share stories, ideas, knowledge, review on things and many more.Here in the Mute Bubble Space, i will basically talk about my past experiences, my interests, perspectives on things , summary of things and shares different many other topics. Blog is a substitution of diary as well, it stores memories, and here will lies my memories.
For anyone who will read the contents of the Mute Bubble Space, welcome and thank you for sacrificing your time here. I hope your visits here will gives benefits, and if not, sorry!! heh..;)
Mind to Fingertips,- i just found the right time to start i guess....
Blog in my eyes is the place where i can share stories, ideas, knowledge, review on things and many more.Here in the Mute Bubble Space, i will basically talk about my past experiences, my interests, perspectives on things , summary of things and shares different many other topics. Blog is a substitution of diary as well, it stores memories, and here will lies my memories.
For anyone who will read the contents of the Mute Bubble Space, welcome and thank you for sacrificing your time here. I hope your visits here will gives benefits, and if not, sorry!! heh..;)
-Afq Apnk-