Stepping forward to my second post, well, time move very fast around us, we don't even realize how sometimes the pace of time has gives many impacts in our lives. While chilling around wasting times, many opportunities are actually have been past over us just like that. I've just finished my second semester in Uitm Lendu, Melaka, and how fast is that?!..
Looking back at the previous semester, one event after another occurred, and some of them has put impacts in my live and my mind as well. Here i will list out my top ten events that happened last semester (January-April 2010), and believe me, these are somehow still fresh in my mind and some of them have made me changed my perspectives towards on certain things.
The top ten list of January-April 2010(without order):
- The end of a relationship.(we are still good.)
- Friends showing their true colour.(lot of stories.)
- Sleeping disorder getting worse.
- New friends.
- The bond among friends are strengthened .
- Too much laid back.
- Discovery of new bands.(always does)
- Less involved in the 'scene'.
- Money going down.
- Bundle stuffs.
Mind to Fingertips,
-Afq Apnk-